
The Cryptic Yet Best Way of Investing – Cryptocurrency


The Cryptic yet Best way of Investing – Cryptocurrency.

“Crypto is money 2.0, a huge huge huge deal” – Mohsin Jameel

[dropcap]I[/dropcap] often think about those times and days when the only form of money was the crisp green notes and little dangling coins. The evolution set in motion and soon from hard money we stepped into the world of plastic money, which made our bulky and heavy wallets less heavy. Yes, here I am talking of the wonder of the thin yet very safe credit and debit cards. It was the next big thing where one saw how convenient it was to carry all your money in the form of your cards. Well, I thought this was the last transition that I will see when it comes to Vitamin M (money), but I stand corrected.

The Cryptic Yet Best Way of Investing – Cryptocurrency

As we stepped into the 21st century the people of the world were introduced to the concept of Cryptocurrency. As cryptic as this term sounds let me first try and shed more light on exactly what Cryptocurrency is. A cryptocurrency is a form of digital currency that is inbuilt with cryptographic protocols that make all the transactions a 100% safe and there are absolutely no chances of encountering situations of fake currency like one normally has in case of actual cash transactions. The Cryptic yet Best way of Investing – Cryptocurrency. 

Now that we have understood what Cryptocurrency is let us try envisioning why investing in them is the best in the current day and age. So brace yourself as we take you on the decrypting journey of the Cryptocurrency.


The first form of Cryptocurrency to ever originate was the Bitcoin, which till date gives the best returns. In fact, since January 2019 the Bitcoin prices have increased by 125%.


Image source- Pixabay

Strengthening the Blockchain Technology:

Do you know that as per the leading finance experts Blockchain technology will soon be called the technology of the future and many economists also believe that it will soon reshape the world economy in the times to come?  This simply means that any person investing in Cryptocurrency is actually investing in the technology of the future. This invariably also means that anyone who invests in it will get really high returns in the long run, and who wants to say no to extra money cashing in? The Cryptic yet Best way of Investing – Cryptocurrency. 

The Cryptic Cryptocurrency makes payments more secure:

The primary reason to come up with Cryptocurrency was to implement borderless transactions that are secure and confidential at the same time. Whenever there is a transaction that takes place through Cryptocurrency there is no third party involved and this, in turn, ensures high levels of privacy at all times and for every transaction that takes place. Those days are not far when Cryptocurrency will become the global form of all digital payments.

Crypto will give you the best profits:

According to the reports, Cryptocurrency and Bitcoins have gained more than 450% returns. Imagine the amount of cash those people will be incurring who timely took the right decision of investing in Cryptocurrency! So much so that in the year 2019, Cryptocurrency has been outperforming the returns on other financial assets.

Steady and regular Growth in Value:

It is not surprising when you read that Cryptocurrency is one of the financial assets that has grown the fastest and has given the best profits. The rise is the greatest and the fastest, and both these adjectives are good to hear when you talk about investments!  Also in the high inflation rates, Bitcoins and Cryptocurrency have the smallest rate of inflation.

Cryptocurrency ensures tighter Regulations:

With almost everyone investing in Cryptocurrency. It became very important to ensure that each transaction was mapped and controlled with stricter regulations. Regulations and rules reduce uncertainty and give more reasons for people to invest. Tighter rules and regulations ensure fewer scams and frauds that are otherwise found whenever one talks about financial transactions.

The Simplest form of Investing: 

Since Cryptocurrency is the in thing, there is plenty of information available for all those people who are looking to invest for the first time. When it comes to investment, most people shy away especially because they either have no idea of investing or because they haven’t got the proper advice.  Cryptocurrency is probably the easiest to invest in because people have a lot of information that they can rely on before they actually choose to invest in it. Along with that, there are many portals that work to make the road to investing in Cryptocurrency less daunting and more efficient.


Image source- Pixabay


Bitcoin is not the only form of Cryptocurrency. The other forms of Cryptocurrency are:

  • Litecoin
  • Ethereum
  • Ripple
  • Bitcoin cash
  • Ethereum Classic

Get Financially Empowered the Ideal way:

I have often come across people who say that they don’t trust the Government or the banks with their money. Well, they can’t be blamed, especially when one reads about all the regular scams and frauds being committed. If you fall in the same category then investing in Cryptocurrency is indeed the best advice one can give. Cryptocurrencies are completely decentralized and this gives people a different kind of empowerment. They no longer need to depend on the banks and various other financial institutions to get their money.


Addition of more Cryptocurrencies:

Earlier when Cryptocurrency was launched the only option was that of Bitcoins. Today, with the digital economy booming in leaps and bounds, there are almost 2,100 types of digital assets. All these additions in the digital currency family are a clear indication that Cryptocurrency is here to stay and bloom.

If you are keen on doubling your chances of making extra money and that too in a manner that is safe and legitimate, then now will be the right time to think of investing in the future of tomorrow. Not only is this mode the most secure and profitable, but it is also one that gives you a better chance to later boast to your friends about your sound decision to invest in it at the right time. People all around the globe have already benefited with the help of Cryptocurrency and if you want to be on the same ship leave all your fears behind and get to invest the Cryptocurrency way.

The Cryptic yet Best way of Investing – Cryptocurrency.


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